I was doing some errands this morning when I received an email from my CML buddy, Wanda, who let me know she was thinking of me today. At first I thought, what is she talking about. Then I remembered the date. Today is the 6th anniversary of my diagnosis. I am not sure if this is a date worth celebrating or forgetting, but it was certainly interesting that I had totally forgotten about it.
A lot has changed in 6 years. Fortunately, CML has been placed on the back burner. I will be reminded later this month when I have my 6 month visit at Dana Farber. In May, I will be returning to Portland to visit with Dr. Druker. I continue to be on 600 mg of Gleevec and so far so good.
I am thankful that CML has not taken over my life, but become a bump in the road. Let's hope it remains this way.