Thursday, August 09, 2007

Light The Night 2007

Dear Family and Friends,

As many of you know, it has been over a year since I was diagnosed with Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML). I have been fortunate to benefit from the groundbreaking research that was supported by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Not everyone with blood cancer is so lucky, and more money is needed to help fund research to cure these diseases and to support the patients and families who are living with these diagnoses.

Last year, our Light The Night team called Team Gershon raised $23,615! We were the top fundraising team in Rhode Island. I was so proud and pleased that my team of 47 walkers and many other contributors were able to support me and the society.

In our second year of fundraising, I have again organized a team called, Team Gershon. I am inviting you to join this team and help me raise funds or to help contribute to the team. You can also participate by making a donation yourself or volunteering at the event on September 29th in Providence, RI. Please follow this link for donation information:

Light The Night® Walk. This is an opportunity for us to do something good in our community. It is an opportunity for you to help fight cancer by:

• Joining the Light the Night team

• Making a personal contribution

• Raising funds for the Society to use for critical cancer research and services for patients and their Families

Light The Night is an evening walk to celebrate and commemorate the lives of people touched by cancer. Walkers hold illuminated balloons—white for survivors, red for supporters—and light the night with hope. The Walk culminates in a community celebration with music, refreshments and entertainment—where friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers and others come together to demonstrate their support for cancer patients.

Team members raise funds by encouraging others to contribute. Funds will be used for research to find cures for blood cancers—leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma—and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

As Team Captain, I encourage you to become involved in this worthwhile endeavor, and to give yourself the experience of helping others. You will be glad you joined us. You can learn more about this event online at or go to my direct link and register for the team or donate online. The address is You are also invited to hear more about my story on my blog at

Walk Information:

When: September 29, 2007, 7:00 pm.

Where: Blackstone Boulevard, Providence, RI

Who: Anyone who wants to fight cancer is invited to join. No particular level of fitness is required.

How: We encourage every walker to beat the national average amount ($100) by setting their individual goal to at least $150. I’ll give you information on how to go about it. Our team goal is to try to match or exceed last year’s donations.

Why: The need for cures is critical: Every five minutes, someone in this country is diagnosed with blood cancer. Every ten minutes, someone dies. Leukemia is the leading cause of cancer death among children and young adults under the age 20.

Fundraising Rewards: All participants raising $100 or more will receive an illuminated balloon and a T-shirt to wear during the Walk. Walkers raising $300, $500, $1,000, $2,500 or more can receive other exciting gifts. Visit for more gift information. Please join us for this very special evening. Be a part of our team. You’ll enjoy yourself. And you’ll make an important difference in the lives of others.

Light The Night and brighten the future for millions touched by cancer.


Jon Gershon


Anonymous said...

Glad to be on the team again... for anyone who reads this you may want to check with the firm you work for to see if they match any funds. I made an inquiry and to my surprise the firm I am associated with does match funds. Let's hope we can break the record AGAIN and get another medication on the list, if not the actual cure taken care of... with a little effort we can make it happen!

Anonymous said...

We will all be walking with you and for a cure Jonathan. It is so important to all of us.
Mom and Dad