Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I just returned from a visit with my oncologist at Dana-Farber. After being on the 800 mg of Gleevec for about 8 weeks now, my PCR level dropped to 0.02%. This is the lowest it has ever been and suggests that, indeed, the higher dose is working. This reading is more than a 3-log reduction from my initial value of 34.5%. Amongst the discussion boards and scientific literature on CML, the 3-log reduction is considered a positive response and one of the last stages of remission. In other words, I have almost reached the last stage of remission or Molecular Remission. This means that my DNA has changed to stop producing leukemic cells. I joke that it is kind of like the changes that happen to superheros. To be considered in full remission, this level should be less than 0.01. That would be considered PCR undetectable. As you can see, I am not that far away.

Needless to say, this was a huge relief to know that the medication is working and my treatment is not only back on track, but moving at full speed ahead. Due to the positive results, I do not have to return for another visit for 3 months.



Anonymous said...

That is such wonderful news!!! See you soon.

Dave, Lisa, and Josh

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear all of the log news. On to Portland.

Anonymous said...

We are so happy to hear this good news, Jon!

We've got some great pictures of the team from the 29th that we'll be sending to you soon.

Erin & your friends at LLS!

Anonymous said...

I knew it! With everyone pulling for you how could the change not take place.Like the saying... "if we build it they will come"... we say -- If we will it it will happen! Now we pray the numbers will drop completely and that everything that has happened was only a bad dream.

Annie - Steven's mom said...

Well done, congrats and all that! It brings a definate smile to my face to hear such great news :-)
And may the next one be below that 0.01 mark and stay there
love and light
Steven's mom

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy to hear this!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jon,
We wish you, Melissa and your parents a safe trip to Oregon.
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you on this special journey.

Stay Stong and Keep Smiling--
We love our SUPER-HERO
brother-in-law! You are truly SUPER and an amazing HERO. :)