Thursday, March 03, 2011

Five Years

It is hard to believe that I have reached the milestone of 5 years past initial diagnosis, but I have. I guess time flies when you are having fun. It really is a poignant moment to reflect however. It was not that long ago that people with my diagnosis were told they may only have 5 years to live. I am so thankful that I was lucky enough to be a recipient of ground-breaking medical treatment.

I remember that day 5 years ago vividly. I actually ripped the day off in the calendar in the hospital as some sort of memento. All I wanted to do was eat the Chinese food I had picked up after work. Instead, I got "the call". and reported to the ER immediately. It was all surreal what happened over the next couple of weeks.

I really have been so lucky to continue to respond well to Gleevec and essentially live almost symptom free. I am so thankful to my family and friends that have supported me and continue to do so.

I head back to Dana-Farber at the end of the month. I also go to OHSU in Portland in May. Let's hope the good results continue.

1 comment:

Annie - Steven's mom said...

I am so happy that you have reached the five year mark and are responding to treatment in such a way that your life goes on as life should. A bit richer, and definitely forward.
OHSU is such a positive place and I trust that your results will all be great for a great many years ahead
love and light to you all