Saturday, April 21, 2007


I received an email after my last post from Zavie Miller, a fellow CMLer from Ottawa. He maintains a database of people with CML who have undergone treatment with Gleevec. Zavie wrote to me soon after I was diagnosed as I read the CML discussion boards. He told me about his Zero club. For people who reached a level of zero on a test called PCR, they became members of this club. It essentially indicates that Gleevec is working and you are doing very well with the treatment.

Zavie wrote me yesterday to let me know that I was member #1055 in Zavie's Zero Club. I was excited to reach this level. I remember writing to him telling him that I hoped to join his club soon.

The CML community is strong and supportive. If you have read my comments, you have also seen comments from Annie who maintains a blog called Living with CML. Annie's son Stephen was diagnosed the same week as me and he has also reached the same milestones.

The good news is that Gleevec works and works well. I am very lucky to not only have this treatment, but to have the social and emotional support to fight this battle.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

One Year Results

I had my one year checkup a few weeks ago. This included blood work and the ever popular bone marrow biopsy. Interestingly, my primary oncologist performed the biopsy this time and I hardly felt anything.

The results have just come back and everything seems to be on track. I continue to be in hematological remission and cytogenetic remission. In terms of molecular remission, I have had a 2 log reduction on my PCR test. I was originally at 30% and have dropped to .3%. This is great news at 12 months. The doctors are hoping to have it drop another log (.03 for those of you who don't remember your high school math).

Despite the anxiety of waiting for test results, I have not been particularly anxious about the results. I have been feeling good physically so I was anticipating a positive response. Perhaps I am too distracted by my non-cancer life that CML moves to the back burner. It is nice not to dwell on this issue.

I also just received notice about next fall's Light the Night Event. I am going to start working on this fundraiser soon so stay tuned.