Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A New Side Effect

I woke up yesterday morning and looked in the mirror. This is the image that I saw. Needless to say, I was a little freaked out. The whites of my eyes were all red on my right eye. This is apparently called a subconjunctival hemmorage, which essentially means bleeding in the eye. It looks worse than it actually is and does not hurt. There is also nothing to be done about it, but wait. If you look at my picture, you can also see how puffy my eye is.

My major concern, however, was that I needed to see patients today. Eye contact is an important piece of therapy. However, scaring the patients, is not usually indicated. I bought a pair of sun glasses that allows the patients to see my eye, while covering the redness. So far, my first couple of patients cancelled. I wonder if they had a heads up about what to expect.


Matt said...

I'm glad that at least it doesn't hurt. Too bad we're not closer to Halloween.... :-)

Based on your suggestion, I'll be seeing Dr. Druker on Oct. 30th. Thanks for the recommendation.

Anonymous said...

It used to happen to me all the time. And it did hurt right before. I could feel it coming on - as pressure in my eyeball.

Since I started taking bioflavonoids and drinking lots of orange juice it has stopped. I have no idea if that's a coincidence or not, though.
